So, I recently learned something about myself.  Everything now makes sense to how I perceive my world, my experiences and why I behave and think this way.  Research around this topic has provided the evidence. Now the work begins as  look at my life experiences through this new lens I am gently holding like a new-born baby.

I am in a state of flux with many questions that currently have too few answers. It is exciting and I am impatient to discover how it will unravel and what will emerge as I work to rediscover myself.


One of the most significant findings thus far is that I no longer judge myself.  Well, that’s not entirely true… let’s say that I judge myself less harshly.  With every week that passes as I learn more about it and me and it is improving important relationships.  This new sense of self-awareness feels positive to me.

I have always considered myself a work in progress and I am still a work in progress with this added dimension.  Having a name for these behaviours helps.  There is a sense of inner calm more of the time, and I am less restless.  Yet I still get frustrated and impatient.  I want it sorted and I want to move on to be this newer version of me that is somewhere in my future.  I need to invest in this exploration so that I don’t jump to the end without finding out what the middle says.

This may resonate as there is a need within me to work through what feels like the less positive traits (chaos, indecision, imposter, the list goes on), but it will contribute to me making sense of how I got here. From that, I will be able to implement strategies that will help me to respond differently going forward. Then, I will harness my superpower!